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Liebster Award: I am nominated!
The “Liebster Award” (“Favorite Award”) is a Blog Award that started a few years ago in Germany. It was meant to help small and bigger bloggers with supporting each other by picking out your most favorite Blogs ever. Over the years it spread all over the world and also this year it is back! The Award triggered mixed feelings around the blogger-world, as it was used inflationary and the sheer number of nominating 11 blogs each has a huge snowball effect. Simone Weissenbach , a german blogger, had some thoughts about it. She experienced unfavorable reactions with the bloggers she nominated. No one wanted this award. Or was it simply to much work…
Exploring – my first item
On Instagram I stumbled over a new website It says: UnboundedPeople is a community that connects travellers from all over the world. Not only while travelling, but also if you want to make plans or have already arrived home. Sounds interesting, I tried it and opened an account. The founder Tessa Eberson also has an own travel page there. The idea behind is to connect travellers from all over the world. But a far more interesting feature, at least to me, is the idea of collecting pictures of places you come across the internet and you fall in love with. These pictures or places you can simply collect into a Bucket…